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How to Lose Weight the best Way

In our everyday eat-and-run, huge-portion-sized culture, maintaining a healthy weight can be a challenge, and losing weight can be a massive challenge. Here are a few safe options to lose weight the best way.
CUT OUT HIGH-CALORIE CONDIMENTS, SUGARS AND REFINED CARBS:n spite of aiming to cut down on carbs, most of us consume way more sugar and refined carbohydrates than we actually plan to. Eliminating candy and desserts from our diet is not the only solution, though. Sugar is hidden in foods as diverse as bread, canned soups, pasta sauces, margarines and many foods labelled low fat.Plump for low sugar products and use fresh ingredients instead of canned goods whenever possible. By slowly reducing sugar in your diet, you will give your taste buds time to adjust to the change and will be able to wean yourself off the craving for sweets.
In order to avoid insalubrious spikes in blood sugar, avoid refined carbs like white bread, white rice or pasta, and go for their whole-grain counterparts instead.

2.HOOF IT UP:Exercise is the key to weight loss. Recent studies show that people who manage to exercise at least one fifty minutes per week are more successful with weight loss. People who do not have time to exercise can make a few small lifestyle changes, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking the car a bit farther from the destination, so that they will have to walk. 

3.DRINK IT DOWN:Water can be considered as liquid gold when it comes to weight loss. Water powers your workouts, boosts your energy and increases your metabolism. It also helps you heed your hunger cues and keeps you from drinking other things. Drinking more water may decrease calorie intake and reduce the risk of long-term weight gain and obesity. Drinking water before meals will reduce appetite and intake, thus leading to weight loss.

4.TRY THE VEGGIE-LOADED PLATE METHOD:Many best nutritionist recommend using your plate to guide your food selection and portion sizes. You can fill one half of your plate with vegetables and the other half can be split between protein and starchy carbohydrates. And if you decide to go for a second serving, it better be all vegetables. Studies have shown that people who consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day are more successful with weight loss.

5.WORK FLAX SEEDS INTO YOUR ROUTINE:One of the easiest and safest things you can do to speed up your weight loss is to incorporate at least two tablespoons of flax seeds into your daily food regime. You can add it to your morning oatmeal, blend it with your smoothie or sprinkle it over your soup or salad. Flax seeds are the epitome of nutritional benefits and a great source of soluble fibre. They help in lowering cholesterol levels and make you feel fuller for a longer time.

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